... Como disse... Está-me no sangue a mitologia nórdica... Os sons nórdicos... As Runas... Esta grande banda: Amon Amarth... Dava um braço e uma perna para os ir ver ao vivo (mas só dps do concerto de preferência) LOL!!!... O filme do clip é o 300... Grande filme com uma boa história e uma imagem fenomenal... Porque às vezes se fazem sacrifícios de livre vontade...
See them gathered on the plains now
See an army strong and vast
As long as one of us remains here
None of them will ever pass
Here they come so raise the shields high
Like wolves they show their teeth
None of us will ever yield now
To the scavengers beneath
We're outnumbered ten to one here
Still, I love the odds
We will sacrifice them one by one
Send them off to the gods
Soon we will be gone
A free will sacrifice
As free men we are born
And free we shall die
Here they come ten thousand strong
Charging up the hill
This day will be both hard and long
They move in for the kill
Hold the line don't let it break
Use your sword and spear
A glory death, for all awaits
All who knows no fear
Hordes of men they hit the shields
Like waves they break away
We face our woven destiny
And we don't fear the grave
Soon we will be gone
A free will sacrifice
As free men we are born
And free we shall die
End: (under the northern star)
The icy winter is creeping near
Dark skies above us
Biting frost in the air
Darkness surrounds us
Soon the lakes and seas will freeze
And snow will lay its veil
And we will long for the summer breeze
Where we can set our sails
See them gathered on the plains now
See an army strong and vast
As long as one of us remains here
None of them will ever pass
Here they come so raise the shields high
Like wolves they show their teeth
None of us will ever yield now
To the scavengers beneath
We're outnumbered ten to one here
Still, I love the odds
We will sacrifice them one by one
Send them off to the gods
Soon we will be gone
A free will sacrifice
As free men we are born
And free we shall die
Here they come ten thousand strong
Charging up the hill
This day will be both hard and long
They move in for the kill
Hold the line don't let it break
Use your sword and spear
A glory death, for all awaits
All who knows no fear
Hordes of men they hit the shields
Like waves they break away
We face our woven destiny
And we don't fear the grave
Soon we will be gone
A free will sacrifice
As free men we are born
And free we shall die
End: (under the northern star)
The icy winter is creeping near
Dark skies above us
Biting frost in the air
Darkness surrounds us
Soon the lakes and seas will freeze
And snow will lay its veil
And we will long for the summer breeze
Where we can set our sails