22 janeiro 2009

Dimmu Borgir - Spellbound

Estou demasiado cansada para escrever muito... Esta semana tem sido terrível em termos de trabalho... Acho que tenho de passar o fim de semana a dormir... (em vez de o passar a ver DVDs de Dimmu...)... Não é que tenha sido mau... Aliás... Foi até muito bom... ;)


You have returned to the torture-chambers
To find peace among the rotting corpses
You have returned to the execution place
To inhale the smell of blood

Death and terror rules the land
We have been spellbound

You have returned to the hidden graves
Only you know about
You have returned to to face your victims
And feel sensation of violence once again

Death and terror rules the soul
You have been spellbound
By the Devil
Murderer, you have returned
To create fear and sorrow
Death and terror rules the land
We have been spellbound
By the Devil

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